This is the daily stakeholder report of the @ReachableCEO. He is striving to be accountable to all TSYS Group stakeholders on a daily basis.
Daily Accountability Questions
Q: Did you fully execute your daily SOP (schedule/routine)? (This is the foundation of all else)
A: No
Q: Did you spend from 07:00 to 19:00 building/billing?
A: Yes
Q: Did you ruthlessly delegate?
A: Yes
Q: Did you have appropriate balance across work(CTO/COO)/personal(quality time/downtime)?
A: Yes
Q: Did you embody your motto: “Closed Tickets/Shipped Objectives, Not Flapping Gums"
A: Yes
The Instrumented CTO
(Coming very soon, script in active development)
The data in this section gets collected/collated/added to this report via script.
Source code for the script
Todays objectives
These are pulled from Redmine (issues assigned to me with due date of today. I am striving to under promise, over deliver.). I set the agenda every Saturday between 10pm-12am. .
Gitea activity
Anything I did in gitea.
Redmine Activity
Anything I did in Redmine.
Computer activity
Pulled from Wakatime/ActivityWatch.
Fitness / Health Log
Pulled via AutoHealthExport
Personal log and reflections of the day
About this section
This section covers
- My daily diary (time stamped back looking entries)
- Diet compliance
- Revenue generation activities (prospecting for new dayjob, ReachableCEO Enterprises development)
- Capital raising activities (so many contracts)
- Recruiting activites (job descriptions, organizational design thoughts etc)
- 06:00: Operational
- 07:00-16:00: Dayjob (lots of on-boarding/training logistics)
- 16:00-21:00: Rested/relaxed to fully kick my cold/fever.